Abstract NATO�s Strategic Concept exactly determines that the proliferation of chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction may cause incalculable consequences for global stability and prosperity. The immediate CBRN hazard control can sustain the operational capability and preserve the survivability of troops. One of the most significant part of hazard control is the chemical decontamination which can reduce the contamination level of the military equipment, combat vehicles and personnel. The sensitive equipment and interior CBRN decontamination technologies represent modern innovation which can reduce harmful effect of chemical warfare agents effectively. The Hungarian CBRN decontamination system has not possessed these technologies yet, but their deployments are urgently needed. A NATO strat�giai koncepci�ja egy�rtelm�en meghat�rozza, hogy a vegyi fegyverek �s m�s t�megpuszt�t� fegyverek elterjed�se bel�thatatlan k�vetkezm�nyt jelentenek a vil�g gazdas�gi konjunkt�r�j�ra �s stabilit�s�ra. Az ABV vesz�lyhelyzetek gyors kezel�se a m�veleti k�pess�g �s a csapatok t�l�l�k�pess�g�nek meg�rz�s�hez j�rul hozz�. Az ABV vesz�lyhelyzet kezel�s egyik legmeghat�roz�bb r�sze a vegyimentes�t�s, amely cs�kkenti k�pes a katonai felszerel�sek, harcj�rm�vek �s szem�lyi �llom�ny szennyezetts�gi szintj�t. Az �rz�keny eszk�z �s bels� t�r ABV mentes�t� technol�gi�k jelk�pezik azokat a modern �j�t�sokat, melyek hat�konyan cs�kkentik a vegyi harcanyagok k�ros hat�sait. A magyar ABV mentes�t� rendszer nem rendelkezik ezekkel a technol�gi�kkal, de m�veleti alkalmaz�suk egyre s�rget�bb� v�lik. Keywords: CBRN defence, chemical decontamination, decontamination solution, vacuum based decontamination technology, sensitive equipment decontamination ~ ABV v�delem, vegyi mentes�t�s, v�kuum alap� mentes�t�si technol�gia, �rz�keny eszk�z mentes�t�s