Bertold B�k�si - Imre Makkay



In 2012, Braunschweig, Germany a four-day IMV - International Micro Air Vehicles conference was held where 140 people from 18 countries were received. Several lectures were given and the teams entered for competition flying demonstrations measured their knowledge. The indoor and outdoor event winners were those who met the minimum size of the aircraft � that is not an easy task. A scientific findings and practical experience-rich conference be broadcast only in flashes. All this in mind, the authors - along of the technical innovations - the participants habit and exemplary organization intended to highlight, as well as the lessons learned, which will be held to help prepare similar events.

A 2012-ben a n�metorsz�gi Braunschweigben megrendezett n�gynapos IMAV � Imternational Micro Air Vehicles konferenci�ra 18 orsz�gb�l 140 f� �rkezett. Sz�mos el�ad�s hangzott el, a versenyre benevezett csapatok rep�l� bemutat�kon m�rt�k �ssze tud�sukat. A bel- �s k�lt�ri versenyek gy�ztesei azok lettek, akik a legkisebb m�ret� l�gi j�rm�vel teljes�tett�k a nem k�nny� feladatokat. Egy tudom�nyos eredm�nyekben �s gyakorlati tapasztalatokban gazdag konferencia esem�nyeir�l csak felvillan�sokat lehet egy �r�sm�ben �tadni. Mindezek tudat�ban a szerz�k a m�szaki �jdons�gok mellett a r�sztvev�k habitus�t �s a mintaszer� szervez�st, mint k�vetend� p�ld�t k�v�nj�k kiemelni, valamint azokat a tanuls�gokat, amelyek a j�v�ben sorra ker�l� hasonl� rendezv�nyekre val� eredm�nyes felk�sz�l�st seg�thetik.

Keywords: IMAV 2012, unmanned air vehicle, competition, conference ~ IMAV 2012, pil�ta n�lk�li l�gi j�rm�, verseny, konferencia


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