Absztrakt Minden t�rsash�zra, illetve az ott lak�kra igaz, hogy k�telesek az �ltal�nos �rv�ny� t�zv�delmi haszn�lati szab�lyokat betartani. Jelen �r�s c�lja ezen szab�lyok �s el��r�sok �sszefoglal�sa, hiszen a k�zelm�lt t�zesetei r�mutattak arra, hogy a rendk�v�l sokr�t� t�j�koztat�s ellen�re m�g mindig vannak n�h�nyan, akik nincsenek teljes m�rt�kben tiszt�ban azzal, milyen k�telezetts�geik is vannak a saj�t, vagy a kezel�s�k alatt �ll� ingatlan t�zv�delm�vel kapcsolatban. It is valued for all blocks of freehold flats and their dwellers that they have to observe the general rules of creating fire protection and its use. This script aims to summarize these rules and instructions as the fires of the near past have shown that in spite of extremely multiple information, there are still some people who are not completely aware of their obligations in concern with the fire protection of their own real estates or those they are responsible for. Kulcsszavak: T�rsash�zak, t�zv�delem, megel�z�s, jogszab�lyok ~ block of freehold flats, fire protection, prevention, laws