Absztrakt Publik�ci�m v�laszt�s�ra az�rt ker�lt sor, mert a t�zolt�s�g h�rmas rendszere t�zmegel�z�s-t�zolt�s-t�zvizsg�lat nem �rv�nyes�l, vagy alig �rezhet�. A jelenlegi orsz�gos vezet�s elkezdte a harmadik vonal a t�zvizsg�lat probl�m�j�t kezelni. E probl�ma elm�leti �s gyakorlati s�kon is megold�st k�vetel. A t�ma fontoss�ga abb�l is lem�rhet�, hogy egyre t�bb f�rumon lehet agg�lyokat hallani a t�zvizsg�lat alacsony sz�nvonal�r�l. Publik�ci�mba gondolatokat fogalmaztam a m�ltr�l-, jelenr�l-j�v�r�l, hogy igen is milyen fontos ter�let a t�zolt�s�g harmadik ter�lete a t�zvizsg�lat. Fontos a t�zmegel�z�snek, melyb�l �j jobb jogszab�lyokat lehet alkotni a t�rsadalom �rdek�ben, fontos a t�zolt�si vonalnak, melyb�l a szakmai sz�nvonalat lehet emelni �s fontos a k�rosultnak �s k�rosultaknak, hogy jogaikat t�rv�nyesen igazs�gosan �rv�nyes�teni tudj�k. Rem�lem t�mav�laszt�som j� gondolat �breszt��l szolg�l a t�zvizsg�lat szakmai sz�nvonal�nak emel�s�hez, de a megfelel� megold�sok kidolgoz�sa a k�zponti szervek feladata. This article has been written because the triple system of the fire service, in particular, fire prevention, fire extinction and fire investigation cannot or can hardly be observed. The current national leadership has started to deal with the problem of the third line, i.e. fire investigation. This problem needs a solution both in principle and in practice. The importance of this topic is also shown by the fact that anxiety about the low standard of fire investigation is expressed in more and more forums. My article discusses the past, the present and the future, too, stating that the third task of the fire service, i.e. fire investigation is essential. It is important for the fire prevention in order to make better legal provisions for the society; it is important for the fire extinction line in order to improve the professional standards; and it is important for the damaged persons to enforce their rights lawfully and fairly. I hope that my topic selected will be thought-provoking enough to improve the professional standard of fire investigation, but the elaboration of appropriate solutions will be the duty of central organs. Kulcsszavak: t�zvizsg�lat, t�zvizsg�l�, hat�s�gi elj�r�s, illet�kess�g, keletkez�si ok ~ fire investigation, fire investigator, official procedure, competence, cause of formation