Absztrakt A Magyar K�zt�rsas�g Test�leti Strat�gi�j�ban megfogalmazott c�loknak megfelel�en "a strat�gia struktur�lisan saj�tos kett�s karakter� c�lhierarchia: minden egyes c�l �gy is felfoghat�, mint egy m�sik, magasabb rend� c�l el�r�s�nek eszk�ze. Ez saj�tos c�l-eszk�z piramis form�j�ban �rz�kelhet�, melyben a c�ljelleg a piramis cs�csa fel�, az eszk�z jelleg pedig a talapzata fel� er�s�dik. Legfontosabb elemei a strat�giai c�lok, amelyek a rend�rs�g test�let�nek j�v�re vonatkoz� legfontosabb t�rekv�seit foglalj�k �ssze, valamint a cselekv�si s�vok, amelyek a strat�giai c�lok megval�s�t�s�nak j�l k�rvonalazhat� szegmensei, amelyek az adott c�l megval�s�t�sa ir�ny�ba hat�, logikailag �sszetartoz� feladatokat, feladatcsomagokat foglalnak magukba." Ennek t�kr�ben a rend�rs�g informatikai biztons�gi strat�gi�ja azon j�v�beni �llapotjellemz�ket kell, hogy fogalmazza meg, amelyeket a legfontosabbnak tartunk �s hosszabb t�von el k�v�nunk �rni. A jelenlegi realit�sok k�z�tt a rend�rs�g el� olyan k�z�pt�v� c�lokat kell �ll�tani az informatikai biztons�g ter�let�n, amelyek egyr�szt lehet�v� teszik, hogy a test�let a jelenlegi sok-sok gonddal k�szk�d� "�tmeneti �llapot�b�l" miel�bb kiemelkedjen, m�sr�szt k�pes legyen az orsz�gnak az Eur�pai Uni�s tags�g�b�l ad�d� feladatok ell�t�s�ra. The strategy is a structurally special dual characterised aim-hierarchy - accordingly to the aims, stated in the Regional Strategy of the Hungarian Republic - and each aim can be conceptualized as an implement to reach another, higher aim. It can be perceived in the form of a specific aim-tool pyramid, in which the aim character strengthens into the direction of the top of the pyramid, and the tool character into the direction of the base of the pyramid. Its' most important elements are the strategic aims, which summarize the most significant intentions of the police - in reference to the future, as well as the action-sectors, which are well-outlined segments of the realization of the strategic aims, and which conclude logically coherent tasks and task-packages - influencing the realization of concrete aims. Reflecting the above mentioned - the basic information technological security strategy for the police must formulate those future status-parameters, what we consider to be the most relevant ones and the ones we want to achieve in a long-term plan. On the base of the present reality those medium-term aims must be encountered with the police on the field of the information technological security, which can create the possibility for the police to emerge from the present-temporary state of many-many problems, and on the other hand, to make it to be able to fulfil the special tasks of the country - given by the member status of the European Union. Kulcsszavak: nagyobb biztons�g, min�s�gi rend�ri munka, stabil m�k�d�si felt�telrendszer, rendszerek megb�zhat� �zemeltet�se ~ higher security, qualitative police work, stabile working condition-system, responsible operation of the systems.